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At the occasion of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, UNEP and Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture (Yale CEA)
are co-hosting a series of panel discussions and presentations on the potential for synergistic ecosystemic benefits of urban agriculture and green infrastructure.

Ecological Living Module (ELM) micro-farming wall, UN Plaza, NYC, 2018.
Vulnerability of complex value chains that became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic is now driving cities to test new ways of facilitating access to fresh and healthy food. Urban agriculture has emerged as a solution to re-establish production-consumption ties in a sustainable way and reconnect not only urbanites with food systems but also cities with their peri-urban areas.

Through presentations and discussions, leading experts highlight opportunities and challenges of building-integrated vegetation for food production and the potential for additional urban ecosystem services, such as the potential for reduction in building energy consumption, reduction in urban heat island effect, and air quality remediation.


Let's Get Growing

Green infrastructure wall installation at PSAC II, Bronx, NYC.
We are demonstrating an example of urban living green infrastructure and are investigating how we can provide a framework to value urban green infrastructure, based on linkages between urban agriculture and multiple ecosystem services or Sustainable Development Goals.

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