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Beyond Urban Agriculture
What is Integrated Green Infrastructure
Examples of Building-Integrated Vegetation
ELN Guatemala: Farm-to-Water
Responding to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus individual households, Yale CEA and Ecolibri are collaborating on the design of integrated plant wall infrastructures that simultaneously remediate indoor air, produce food, and filter water using agriculturally-sourced photosensitizers. Through these highly-adaptable novel systems, we can mitigate waterborne illness, eliminate harmful pathogens through on-site solar-powered chemistry, generate a full nutritional profile for families, and purify indoor air.
Yale CEA
Green Facade
The Junglefy Breathing Wall is an active, modular green wall system, scientifically proven by University of Technology Sydney plant scientists, to accelerate the removal of air pollutants faster than any other plant-based system on the market.
Barangaroo South, Australia
Indoor Green Wall - Passive
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